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Key Migration

Key migration refers to the process of securely transferring cryptographic keys with the wrapping mechanism from one HSM to another (same or different vendor) or a safe key injection into an IOT device. The process is generally used when cloning itself is not either available or viable (only a single or small amount of keys need to be migrated).

Key migration can be done for both symmetric and asymmetric keys when using the Primus Tools.


The process of key Migration is not exclusive to JCE API and Primus Tools and can be done with other APIs and tools/utilities.

Migration - Symmetric Key

The symmetric key migration from origin HSM to target HSM (or other device) process is generally done as such:

  • Create an asymmetric key on the target HSM,
  • Export the public key from the target HSM,
  • Import the public key into the origin HSM,
  • Wrap and export the symmetric key on the origin HSM with the public key from the target HSM,
  • Import the wrapped symmetric key into the target HSM.
  • Verify the key was successfully imported.

As an example below we showcase a symmetric key migration done between two Securosys HSMs. It is assumed that the symmetric key to be migrated is already created.

Commands will require an established HSM connection and credentials to be able to execute properly. For further assistance on how to configure your HSM connection and credentials please see HSM Connection and Access Credentials.

Make sure to read through and follow the instructions in the Installation section before continuing with the process. For more information about the commands and their parameters see Object Management.


The keys to be exported from an HSM must have the flag extractable set.

  1. Create an Asymmetric key on the target HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar CreateKey <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname zmk -type RSA -size 2048
  1. Export the public part of the asymmetric key zmk which was created in the previous step and write it into the file zmk.der:
java -jar primus-tools.jar GetPublicKey <HSM connection and credentials> -keyname zmk > zmk.der
  1. Import the public key zmk.der into the origin HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportPublicKey <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname zmk -keytype RSA /
-inputfile zmk.der
  1. Wrap and export the symmetric key prepared for migration (in our case mig) from the origin HSM. The key is wrapped with the imported public key zmk.
java -jar primus-tools.jar ExportKeyWrapped <HSM connection and credentials> /
-wrapkeyname zmk /
-keyname mig -keypassword pass-mig /
-outfile WrappedKey
  1. Import the WrappedKey file from the previous step into the target HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportKeyWrapped <HSM connection and credentials> 
-wrapkeyname zmk /
-infile WrappedKey /
-keyname mig -keypassword pass-mig
  1. Verify that the import was successful by listing the key or inspecting the HSM logs:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ListKeyEntry <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname mig -keypassword pass-mig

With the import successful the symmetric key migration is concluded.

Migration - Asymmetric Key

The symmetric key migration from origin HSM to target HSM (or other device) process is generally done as such:

  • Create an asymmetric key on the target HSM,
  • Export the public key from the target HSM,
  • Import the public key into the origin HSM,
  • Wrap and export the asymmetric key on the origin HSM with the public key from the target HSM,
  • Import the wrapped asymmetric key into the target HSM.
  • Verify the key was successfully imported.

Make sure to read through and follow the instructions in the Installation section before continuing with the process. For more information about the commands and their parameters see General Usage.


As an example below we showcase a migration of an asymmetric key done between two Securosys Primus HSMs. It is assumed that the asymmetric key to be migrated is already created.


The keys to be exported from an HSM must have the flag extractable set.

  1. Create an asymmetric key on the target HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar CreateKey <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname zmk2 -type RSA -size 2048
  1. Export the public part of the asymmetric key zmk2 which was created in the previous step and write it into the file zmk2.der:
java -jar primus-tools.jar GetPublicKey <HSM connection and credentials> -keyname zmk2 > zmk2.der
  1. Import the public key zmk2.der into the origin HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportPublicKey <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname zmk2 -keytype RSA /
-inputfile zmk2.der
  1. Wrap and export the asymmetric key prepared for migration (in our case RSAmig) from the origin HSM. The key is wrapped with the imported public key zmk2.
java -jar primus-tools.jar ExportKeyWrapped <HSM connection and credentials> /
-wrapkeyname zmk2 /
-keyname RSAmig -keypassword pass-mig /
-outfile RSAWrappedKey
  1. Import the WrappedKey file from the previous step into the target HSM:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ImportKeyWrapped <HSM connection and credentials> 
-wrapkeyname zmk2 /
-infile RSAWrappedKey /
-keyname RSAmig -keypassword pass-mig
  1. Verify that the import was successful by listing the key or inspecting the HSM logs:
java -jar primus-tools.jar ListKeyEntry <HSM connection and credentials> /
-keyname RSAmig -keypassword pass-mig

With the import successful the migration of the asymmetric key is concluded.